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Rome, Italy, Feb 2, 2017 / 04:23 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After a tense row with the Holy See led to the resignation of their Grand Master and the reinstatement of ousted Grand Chancellor Albrecht von Boeselager, the Order of Malta has reaffirmed their priorities amid the crisis, stressing that the poor must always be put first.Pointing to the Order’s current crisis, Boeselager told journalists Feb. 2 that it will be “a marginal event in history,” and that “what is more at stake is the crisis we are facing in the world and the misery and the plea of billions of people homeless, migrating.”“Please don’t forget to report about these cases and fight the arrogant ignorance regarding these crisis and the indifference,” he said.Boeselager made his appeal at the end of a news conference that took place on the heels of the Jan. 24 resignation of the Order’s former Grand Master Matthew Festing at the request of Pope Francis, and his own reins...
Washington D.C., Feb 2, 2017 / 04:37 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Rather than protecting U.S. interests, recent executive orders restricting immigrants and refugees could actually pose a threat to national security, warned a group of Catholic leaders on Wednesday.“These refugees are victims of the same violence we are trying to protect ourselves from,” said Jill Marie Geschütz Bell, senior legislative specialist for Catholic Relief Services, criticizing what she called a “disproportionate security response.”“It’s time to be the Good Samaritan,” she urged.Geschütz Bell and other Catholic immigration and refugee leaders spoke at a Feb. 1 press conference in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.Don Kerwin, executive director for the Center for Migration Studies, contended that by limiting refugee protection, the United States would actually harm its security goals.  “Refugee protection actually ad...
By Dennis SadowskiWASHINGTON(CNS) -- Leaders from six organizations want Americans and President DonaldTrump to understand that refugees, especially those from war-torn Middle Easterncountries, are average people with careers, comfortable homes and loving families ratherthan see them as a monolithic threat to the United States.Their appealduring a Feb. 1 news conference at Casa Italiana at Holy Rosary Church in Washington came asrefugees continued to be denied entry into the U.S. nearly a week after Trumpordered a 120-day suspension of the U.S. refugee resettlement program.Officialsof Catholic Charities USA, Migration and Refugee Services of the U.S.Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc.,Catholic Relief Services, the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities andthe Center for Migration Studies called on Trump to rescind his presidential memorandumimplementing the suspension, saying the country has a moral obligation towelcome people fleeing ...
By Junno Arocho EstevesROME (CNS) --The newly reinstated grand chancellor of the Sovereign Military Order of Maltasaid the crisis that led to the resignation of the order's grand master will remain a footnotein history that pales in comparison to the suffering of refugees and the poor.Speaking ata news conferenceFeb. 2, Albrecht von Boeselager, grand chancellor of the order, said that whilerecent events have shown that "we are not immune to crisis in ourgovernment," the Knights of Malta will continue placing their priority onhelping migrants, the poor and the marginalized. "This crisis will be amarginal event in history. What is more at stake is the crisis we are facing inthe world and the misery and the plea of the millions of people (who are)homeless, migrating and fleeing," he said. The Germannobleman's removal by former Grand Master Fra Matthew Festing was at the heartof a public dispute between the order and the Vatican. In astatement in December, the order said Boeselager was...
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Trump administration is preparing to levy new sanctions on Iran, U.S. officials said Thursday, in the first punitive action since the White House put Iran "on notice" after it test-fired a ballistic missile....
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) -- The chaos at the University of California, Berkeley, was shocking: Protesters set fires, smashed windows, hurled explosives at police and ultimately achieved their goal of canceling an appearance by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos....
SMYRNA, Del. (AP) -- Using a backhoe to smash through a barricade of footlockers, authorities stormed Delaware's largest prison early Thursday and ended a nearly 24-hour hostage standoff involving inmates armed with sharpened objects. One hostage - a guard - was found dead....
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Declaring that religious freedom is "under threat," President Donald Trump vowed Thursday to repeal a rarely enforced IRS rule that says pastors who endorse candidates from the pulpit risk losing their tax-exempt status....
President Donald Trump's executive order temporarily banning refugees and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries has put a spotlight on those immigrant communities across the country....
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump's spats with U.S. allies as close as Mexico and as unlikely as Australia are leaving his new secretary of state and others in his Cabinet to clean up a lot of potential damage. It's a good-cop, bad-cop dynamic that could define America's foreign policy for the next four years....
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