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Catholic News 2

Vatican Weekend for August 13th, 2017 features our weekly reflection on the Sunday Gospel reading, “There’s more in the Sunday Gospel than Meets the Eye,” plus our resident Vatican watcher Joan Lewis reviews the past week’s events in the Vatican.Listen to this program produced and presented by Susy Hodges:

Vatican Weekend for August 13th, 2017 features our weekly reflection on the Sunday Gospel reading, “There’s more in the Sunday Gospel than Meets the Eye,” plus our resident Vatican watcher Joan Lewis reviews the past week’s events in the Vatican.

Listen to this program produced and presented by Susy Hodges:

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Vatican Weekend for August 12th, 2017 features a report on Pope Francis’ general audience where he appealed for an end to attacks on places of worship after recent killings in Nigeria and the Central African Republic, we explore the figure of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the priest who gave up his own life at Auschwitz so a fellow prisoner could live, we bring you a reflection on the wonder and importance of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, take a look at the history of this feast and listen to some music on this theme.Listen to this program produced and presented by Susy Hodges:

Vatican Weekend for August 12th, 2017 features a report on Pope Francis’ general audience where he appealed for an end to attacks on places of worship after recent killings in Nigeria and the Central African Republic, we explore the figure of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the priest who gave up his own life at Auschwitz so a fellow prisoner could live, we bring you a reflection on the wonder and importance of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, take a look at the history of this feast and listen to some music on this theme.

Listen to this program produced and presented by Susy Hodges:

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(Vatican Radio) August 15th 2017 marks the centenary of the birth of Blessed Oscar Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador who was assassinated for speaking out on behalf of the poor and oppressed during his country’s military dictatorship.There are many events planned to mark the anniversary year, both in his native El Salvador but also in countries around the world, where his life and legacy continue to motivate those working for justice and peace today.In the London diocese of Southwark a Mass will be celebrated at St George's Cathedral on August 12th, while an ecumenical evensong will be held in Westminster Abbey on September 23rd.The Archbishop of Southwark Peter Smith will preside at the Mass on Saturday, while Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia will travel from Rome to preach the homily. Archbishop Paglia currently serves as head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and the St John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. He is also the postulator of the...

(Vatican Radio) August 15th 2017 marks the centenary of the birth of Blessed Oscar Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador who was assassinated for speaking out on behalf of the poor and oppressed during his country’s military dictatorship.

There are many events planned to mark the anniversary year, both in his native El Salvador but also in countries around the world, where his life and legacy continue to motivate those working for justice and peace today.

In the London diocese of Southwark a Mass will be celebrated at St George's Cathedral on August 12th, while an ecumenical evensong will be held in Westminster Abbey on September 23rd.

The Archbishop of Southwark Peter Smith will preside at the Mass on Saturday, while Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia will travel from Rome to preach the homily. Archbishop Paglia currently serves as head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and the St John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. He is also the postulator of the cause for canonisation of Archbishop Romero.

Philippa Hitchen talked to Archbishop Paglia about why the murdered Salvadoran Church leader continues to inspire so many people of all faiths and none.

Listen to the full interview:


Archbishop Paglia says the example of Romero is “a universal example” and “a clear evangelical witness of love” in a world of difficulties, injustices, war and terror attacks. His voice and his testimony, he says, is clear and understandable for all people, above all for the poor and voiceless.

'Providential link' between Pope and Romero

Archbishop Paglia says there is “an interesting alliance between the first Latin American pope and the first martyr of Vatican II” . He describes the “providential link between Romero’s witness and Pope Francis’ engagement” as “a sort of good link between heaven and earth in this current moment”.  In a certain sense, he adds, Pope Francis needs the witness of Romero to continue to preach the Gospel of love for the poor as a strategic pastoral initiative.

Hopes for canonisation 

After attending the beatification of Romero in San Salvador in May 2015, Archbishop Paglia says he hopes that during the next year the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints may approve a miracle and make its final decision for his canonisation.

After the difficulties of those who opposed Romero’s beatification, Archbishop Paglia says “even those who were against him have to accept the decision of the pope”.  The magisterium of Pope Francis is now linked to the witness of Romero, he says, as “a clear sign of the Holy Spirit’s inspiration in the Church”.

Building a globalisation of solidarity

Archbishop Paglia notes how many people are struck by the example of Romero, not just in the Catholic and Anglican Churches, but followers of other religions “and also a lot of non-believers”

Romero continues “to show, to push all of us”, Archbishop Paglia says, “to trust in the Gospel, to accept the Word of God and put into practice the word of the Gospel”.  If we follow this example, he concludes, “we can not only testify to the Gospel” but we can change the world by helping to “construct a better globalization” of solidarity.

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Black Day called by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) and National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) was marked with meetings, rallies, demonstrations, hunger fasts, submitting memoranda, candle vigils and other forms of demonstrations  at the State Capitals and district headquarters to show solidarity with the Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims who are denied their Constitutional rights. In Delhi Black Day was observed  from 4.30 to 5.30 pm at Jantar Mantar organized by CBCI, NCCI and NCDC. Most Rev. Anil Couto, Archbishop of Delhi and Christian and Muslim leaders participated in the protest.Their demands were that the  Union Government should come forward to resolve the issue immediately without further delay and that the Union Government should give appropriate reply to the query of the Supreme Court based on the recommendation of Justice Ranganath Misra Commission’s report.In the diocese of Mangalore,  a protest Rally was o...

Black Day called by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) and National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) was marked with meetings, rallies, demonstrations, hunger fasts, submitting memoranda, candle vigils and other forms of demonstrations  at the State Capitals and district headquarters to show solidarity with the Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims who are denied their Constitutional rights. 

In Delhi Black Day was observed  from 4.30 to 5.30 pm at Jantar Mantar organized by CBCI, NCCI and NCDC. Most Rev. Anil Couto, Archbishop of Delhi and Christian and Muslim leaders participated in the protest.

Their demands were that the  Union Government should come forward to resolve the issue immediately without further delay and that the Union Government should give appropriate reply to the query of the Supreme Court based on the recommendation of Justice Ranganath Misra Commission’s report.

In the diocese of Mangalore,  a protest Rally was organized to demand the rights of Dalit Christians in front of the DC’s  office  at 3.30 pm. Mr M.P Noronha the Advocate and Secretary of DPP of Mangalore diocese and Professor Vincent Alva addressed the gathering in front of the DC’s office. Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu the Vicar General of the Diocese, Fr Onil D Souza the Convener of the rally many priests sisters laity were present. After the protest the memorandum was given to the DC demanding justice for Dalit Christians.

The Constitutional rights for Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims are denied based on religion for more than 67 years.  Since 2009 the Dalit Christians and Muslims have been observing “Black Day” on Aug. 10, the anniversary of the signing of the controversial presidential order Paragraph 3. (CBCI) 


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Secretary General of the Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU) Fr. Fabrizio Meroni (PIME) has visited Zambia and held a meeting with Priests, Religious, Lay faithful and the Catholic Secretariat staff.And in a meeting with Zambia Catholic Secretariat staff, Fr. Meroni said his reason of visiting is for PMU to be open and be available to listen to the local Church and pay attention to Christian experience in terms of missionary evangelisation.“I [have] come to visit the local Church in order to be helped by your experience to understand if it is possible to reform this pontifical society I have been responsible of for the last 18 months,” he explained.And in the same meeting, the local church representatives noted various challenges faced by the church in Zambia in evangelisation at diocesan and parish levels.The PMU Secretary general is also expected to meet the Association of Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy (AZADCC) that will be meeting in Mongu diocese, Religious Men an...

Secretary General of the Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU) Fr. Fabrizio Meroni (PIME) has visited Zambia and held a meeting with Priests, Religious, Lay faithful and the Catholic Secretariat staff.

And in a meeting with Zambia Catholic Secretariat staff, Fr. Meroni said his reason of visiting is for PMU to be open and be available to listen to the local Church and pay attention to Christian experience in terms of missionary evangelisation.

“I [have] come to visit the local Church in order to be helped by your experience to understand if it is possible to reform this pontifical society I have been responsible of for the last 18 months,” he explained.

And in the same meeting, the local church representatives noted various challenges faced by the church in Zambia in evangelisation at diocesan and parish levels.

The PMU Secretary general is also expected to meet the Association of Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy (AZADCC) that will be meeting in Mongu diocese, Religious Men and Women, Zambia Catholic University professors and Zambia Catholic professionals.

Zambia Catholic professionals, is a grouping of professional Catholics drawn from various sectors of society.

The Pontifical Missionary Union was founded in Italy in 1916 by Blessed Paolo Manna (PIME) with the objective of the missionary animation of priests, religious and all those engaged in the pastoral ministry of the Church.

Mwenya Mukuka (Mr.)
Communications Officer
Zambia Episcopal Conference


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By Cindy WoodenVATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The celebrations of the 100thanniversary Blessed Oscar Romero's birth should be a time to reflect on what itreally means to call someone a martyr, said Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chavez ofSan Salvador.Too many people in El Salvador "continue to callmartyrs those who picked up arms and died following an ideal" in the country's12-year-long civil war, the cardinal wrote in an article for L'OsservatoreRomano, the Vatican newspaper.The country's real martyrs, the cardinal said, "neverstained their hands with blood," and they were "men and women whostrove to love God and their neighbors."The real martyrs of El Salvador are Blessed Romero,"the assassinated priests and the four U.S. women -- three religious and alaywoman -- whose lives were taken in December 1980," he said, referringto Maryknoll Sisters Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazeland Jean Donovan, a laywoman.In addition, he wrote, "we all have a debt that we mustbegin to settle ...

By Cindy Wooden

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The celebrations of the 100th anniversary Blessed Oscar Romero's birth should be a time to reflect on what it really means to call someone a martyr, said Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chavez of San Salvador.

Too many people in El Salvador "continue to call martyrs those who picked up arms and died following an ideal" in the country's 12-year-long civil war, the cardinal wrote in an article for L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper.

The country's real martyrs, the cardinal said, "never stained their hands with blood," and they were "men and women who strove to love God and their neighbors."

The real martyrs of El Salvador are Blessed Romero, "the assassinated priests and the four U.S. women -- three religious and a laywoman -- whose lives were taken in December 1980," he said, referring to Maryknoll Sisters Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel and Jean Donovan, a laywoman.

In addition, he wrote, "we all have a debt that we must begin to settle as soon as possible. We are obliged out of gratitude to God and love for the truth to redeem the memory of hundreds of anonymous martyrs, most of whom were humble campesinos."

"For us, martyr means witness," he said. "We must walk with them in the name of Christ."

The article by Cardinal Rosa Chavez was published Aug. 10 in the Italian edition of L'Osservatore Romano, but was written for the newspaper's Spanish edition, which published a special issue for Blessed Romero's birthday Aug. 15.

The cardinal began his article thanking Pope Francis for naming Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati of Santiago, Chile, as his personal envoy the celebrations of Blessed Romero's anniversary.

In the nomination letter, he said, the pope described Blessed Romero as "bishop and martyr, illustrious pastor and witness to the Gospel and defender of the church and human dignity." The pope also noted that as a priest and as a bishop, Blessed Romero worked for "justice, reconciliation and peace."

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